Tuesday, December 13, 2011


Ah...coffee with skim milk, breakfast, morning checklist complete and time to spare before work. These are my favorite kinds of mornings. As I ate breakfast this morning, I attempted to find balance between the foods I ate. With all of the Christmas parties and out-to-eat events that are ever prominent during the holidays, balance and moderation always come to the forefront of my mind. The simple art of mixing a piece of fruit, low-fat milk, whole grains, lean protein, and vegetables at every meal prompt a lifetime of healthy eating. This morning, I succeeded in eating all but vegetables. Vegetables with my peanut butter crackers, milk, and orange did not sound appetizing.

Enjoy your meals by finding balance. Listen to your bodies hunger cues. Honor hunger and respect fullness. Challenge yourself to have colorful meals, eat a variety of foods, and eat from the food groups listed above at most of your meals. Take care of your body today and you will lavish on the rewards both today and tomorrow.

Balance Your Breakfast:

  • Skim milk, whole grain cereal, and a piece of fruit
  • Oatmeal, dried fruit, milk, and yogurt
  • Whole grain toast or crackers with peanut butter and bananas; glass of milk
  • Omelet stuffed with veggies and reduced fat cheese; whole grain toast; piece of fruit; milk
  • English muffin split in half and toasted topped with 1/4 cup cottage cheese on each side and then 2 Tbsp applesauce. Pop in microwave and enjoy a yummy healthy danish!
  • Greek yogurt with granola and dried fruit
  • English muffin mini pizzas: Toast English muffin and top with pasta sauce, low fat mozzarella cheese and veggies of your choice.
Anyone want to share some of their favorite balanced breakfasts?

Friday, September 23, 2011

RD 2 Be

      Think about how much food is a part of our everyday lives. Everyday we eat food. Food is fuel for our bodies. Without carbohydrates, protein, fats, vitamins, minerals, and water, the simple elements of food, we simply would not survive. As Hippocrates once said, "Let food be thy medicine." 

Honor your hunger and respect your fullness. Be mindful of when and why you are eating. Develop a healthy relationship with food.

So why did I call this post, RD 2 Be? Because I am a dietetic intern on her journey to becoming a Registered Dietitian. The picture above is my brother and I at my graduation...Messiah College, May 2011. My goal is to become a Registered Dietitian by August 2012. This blog highlights some of my adventures throughout the internship, along with my thoughts on how to nourish your life through joyful eating.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

The Benefits of Cocoa Products

Need a reason to justify indulging in chocolate? I'm currently doing an internship at the Hershey Foods corporation and reviewing peer reviewed articles that have researched the benefits of chocolate. Regular consumption of dark chocolate and/or cocoa products has shown to reduce blood pressure, lower low-density lipoproteins ("bad" cholesterol) and total cholesterol, improve insulin sensitivity, support healthy blood vessels, and increase your blood's antioxidant capacity. A lot of research has supported these statements; however, more research is needed to determine the amount of chocolate and other factors that may affect these statements.

The take home message? There are no such thing as a "bad" food. Well, actually I take that back. Baby bottle pops, colored twizzlers, and nerds are bad foods. Sugar + an unprecedented amount of artificial ingredients + Sugar + no beneficial nutrients + Sugar. What I mean to say, is that our conception of chocolate could use some revisiting. Cocoa may in fact be beneficial for our health. The key is moderation and balance. Any food (again, with a few exceptions) can fit into a diet that is balanced.  So don't feel bad the next time you have a Hershey kiss. Just make sure you only have a couple instead of the whole bag :) I enjoy having semi-sweet chocolate chips as a treat after dinner. Mix 1-2 Tbsp with an ounce of almonds or peanuts and dried cranberries...YUM!

Sunday, August 21, 2011


This summer I have gone zucchini crazy;its hard not to--- they seem to just keep growing and growing in the garden! Whats so great about zucchinis? You can pretty much add them to anything and won't even know they are there.So why would you do this?To get Vitamins A & C, fiber & the antioxidant benefits of the zucchini.I've added zucchini to soups, breads, pastas, pizza, baked goods---you name it!Zucchini bread is one of my favorites. Here is one my grandma and I made last week that was delicious! The oatmeal adds a gooey yet nutritious addition to the bread!

Oatmeal Zucchini Bread
Makes 2 loaves


1/2 cup sugar
1/2 cup brown sugar
3 eggs
2/3 cup vegetable oil
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 cup unbleached white flour
1/2 cup whole wheat flour
1 cup old-fashioned oats, uncooked
1 tablespoon baking powder
2 teaspoons cinnamon
1 teaspoon nutmeg
3 cups shredded zucchini (keep the skin on!)
1 cup chopped walnuts or semisweet chocolate chips (optional)

Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Grease two 8 X 4 inch loaf pans.
In a large bowl, beat together sugar, eggs, oil & vanilla.
Add white & wheat flours, oats, baking powder, salt, cinnamon, & nutmeg.Mix until just dry ingredients are moist.
Squeeze excess liquid from shredded zucchini.Stir in zucchini & nuts/chocolate chips, if using.
Spoon the batter into greased loaf pans. Bake for approximately 50 minutes.
Cool 10 minutes. Remove from pans and cool completely before slicing.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

The Start of Something New

The Dietetic Internship. Those three words have made my heart pound tremendously these last couple of years. As a Nutrition & Dietetics undergraduate at Messiah College, I was warned of the competitive Dietetic Internship required of students in order to become a Registered Dietitian right from the beginning. My dream of becoming a Registered Dietitian began my sophmore year of college when I first learned about the profession.

According to the American Dietetic Association, "Registered dietitians are food and nutrition experts, translating the science of nutrition into practical solutions for healthy living. The expertise, training and credentials that back a registered dietitian are vital for promoting positive lifestyle choices."

I graduated from Messiah in May 2011. I have worked hard and I am proud to say that I am a 2012 dietetic intern with the Pennsylvania State University Dietetic Internship program. The program began last week with a day of team-building at Ski Roundtop in Lewisberry, PA. I couldn't believe how fast my summer went, and how I was about to embark on a whole new chapter of my life. A chapter that would involve immense opportunities and growth with 7 other interns.

As we worked through many challenges on the high ropes course at Ski Roundtop, I recognized a couple of team building factors I do not want to forget this upcoming year.
1) Remember the big picture. It is easy to get caught up in the task at hand, in the details. Remember those around you. Remember your ultimate goal.
2) Think before you act. Reason through what you are about to do. Make sure you understand the instructions and carefully execute. As a person who like to "just get things done" I need to remember to slow down.
3) Laugh often. Laugh at yourself. Enjoy the moments and those around you.

I am nervous but excited for the opportunities that lie before me this upcoming year!

 Matthew 6: 33-34 "Seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. 34 Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." Instead, I will take each day a time. Trust in God and pray for strength and guidance.