Tuesday, December 13, 2011


Ah...coffee with skim milk, breakfast, morning checklist complete and time to spare before work. These are my favorite kinds of mornings. As I ate breakfast this morning, I attempted to find balance between the foods I ate. With all of the Christmas parties and out-to-eat events that are ever prominent during the holidays, balance and moderation always come to the forefront of my mind. The simple art of mixing a piece of fruit, low-fat milk, whole grains, lean protein, and vegetables at every meal prompt a lifetime of healthy eating. This morning, I succeeded in eating all but vegetables. Vegetables with my peanut butter crackers, milk, and orange did not sound appetizing.

Enjoy your meals by finding balance. Listen to your bodies hunger cues. Honor hunger and respect fullness. Challenge yourself to have colorful meals, eat a variety of foods, and eat from the food groups listed above at most of your meals. Take care of your body today and you will lavish on the rewards both today and tomorrow.

Balance Your Breakfast:

  • Skim milk, whole grain cereal, and a piece of fruit
  • Oatmeal, dried fruit, milk, and yogurt
  • Whole grain toast or crackers with peanut butter and bananas; glass of milk
  • Omelet stuffed with veggies and reduced fat cheese; whole grain toast; piece of fruit; milk
  • English muffin split in half and toasted topped with 1/4 cup cottage cheese on each side and then 2 Tbsp applesauce. Pop in microwave and enjoy a yummy healthy danish!
  • Greek yogurt with granola and dried fruit
  • English muffin mini pizzas: Toast English muffin and top with pasta sauce, low fat mozzarella cheese and veggies of your choice.
Anyone want to share some of their favorite balanced breakfasts?